”Bring a book! Take a book!” – Two ”BookStations” were opened in Obuda, Budapest

(Translated by Andrea Hagymási. The original Hungarian version: https://booksandsoul.wordpress.com/2012/06/06/hozzal-egy-konyvet-vigyel-egy-konyvet-konyvmegallok-nyiltak-obudan/)

Two free 24-hour pop-up libraries (called ”BookStations”) were created by the local government of Obuda Bekasmegyer (3rd district of Budapest), “Platan” Public Library and  “Kulturmontazs” Civil Association. BookStations were opened on 6th June, 2012. 

They are situated in the busy areas of the district: 

 1. Aquincum BookStation – Budapest, 3rd district, near Római tér 1.

2. Csillaghegy BookStation – Budapest, 3rd district, near Mátyás király út  5.

3. San Marco Bookstation – Budapest, 3rd district, 81. San Marco Street

4. Children Bookstation – Budapest, 3rd district, 9-13. Silvanus Sétány

The aim of running them is not only to popularize reading, but also to be conducive to caring for each other. BookStations operate on the basis of reciprocity. I have already written about how libraries can be public places. Libraries offer the most essential condition of community activities: a meeting place. It is especially true in case of pop-up libraries. While you are looking for a book on the shelves, you can chat with people who are around the BookStation. You can meet new people from the neighbourhood. You can pick up an unfamiliar book. Or you can choose an interesting title. And you can replace it with another.

The aim is to run BookStations by people and civil associations.

Pop-up libraries, which can be found and are very similar all around the world, have been established to ensure that books “go to” readers. These libraries are always in change. New books appear on their shelves day by day. There is a pop-up library in New York. It was created from an old phone booth.


There are some in Germany, Switzerland and Austria. You can find a list of them here (with photos): http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_%C3%B6ffentlicher_B%C3%BCcherschr%C3%A4nke

I wish BookStations  became kind and useful places.


 Gerilla könyvtárosok a Wall Streeten. KIT Hírlevél. 2011. október 28. 


Sajtóközlemény KönyvMegálló átadásáról

The “Pop-Up” Library: A Mini-Movement of Knowledge.


Kávészünet. Az Országos Idegennyelvű Könyvtár blogja. Könyvtári hírek a világból.


New York’s Pop Up Libraries. Travelletes, 2012. március 9. 


„Public libraries as meeting places” – comments on Prof. Ragnar Audunson’s lecture on Books and Soul

Categories: books, BookStation, Budapest, Hungary, KönyvMegálló, librarian, library, meeting places, pop-up library | Címkék: , , , , , , , , | Hozzászólás

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